Setting up the IRCScraperΒΆ

Prior to setting up the IRCScraper, you may want to import previous preDB dumps. It’s not necessary, but will help matching/renaming releases. Follow the guide to do this.

A majority of this guide was compiled by forum user hernando

  1. We need to add a PPA so we can install a better version of ZNC.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:teward/znc && sudo apt-get update

    If for some reason you get a command not found error, you don’t have the pre-req install, run:

    sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

  2. Install ZNC and the extras

    sudo apt-get install znc znc-dbg znc-dev znc-perl znc-python znc-tcl

  3. Run the configuration wizard

    znc --makeconf

    Answer the wizard with the following answers, change to suit your needs.

    We use SSL connections to the synIRC servers. If you run into issues with them, you can turn them off later.

    To avoid confusion, it is advisable to set both your username and nick as the same.

    Listen on Port: **6664, you can change this if you want**
    Listen using SSL: **yes, but up to you (this is SSL for the scraper and ZNC, not to IRC**
    Listen on IPv4 and IPv6: **no, but up to you**
    Username: **Make up a unique one, will be used to connect to ZNC**
    Password: **Make up a unique one, will be used to connect to ZNC**
    Nick: **Make up a unique one, will be used to connect to IRC**
    Alt nick: **Make up a unique one, will be used to connect to IRC**
    Ident: **Leave as default**
    Real Name: **Leave as default**
    Bind host: **Leave as default**
    Setup Network: **yes**
    Name: **synIRC**
    Server host:
    Server SSL: **yes**
    Server port: **6697**
    Server password: **leave empty**
    Initial channels: **#nZEDbPRE**
    Launch ZNC: **yes**
  4. Change some settings in ZNC

    Point your web browser to the IP and port of your ZNC machine, i.e., and login.

    Under Global Settings, change Max Buffer Size to 1000 and click Save.

    Under Your Settings -> Networks, click Edit next to syncIRC.

    Paste the following into the textbox for Trusted SSL fingerprints:


    Under Modules, check the following boxes: chansaver, keepnick, kickrejoin, nickserv, perform, simple_away

    Click “Save and Return”

    Under Modules, check the following boxes: chansaver, controlpanel, perform

    Under Default Settings, change Channel Modes to +stn

    Under Default Settings, change Buffer Size to 1000

    Click Save and Return

  5. Configure IRCScraper

    We’re assuming you install nZEDb to /var/www/nZEDb/

    cd /var/www/nZEDb/configuration/

    cp ircscraper_settings_example.php ircscraper_settings.php

    Open your favorite editor and change the following in ircscraper_settings.php

    $username = '<put your username from your ZNC setup>';

    define('SCRAPE_IRC_SERVER', '');

    define('SCRAPE_IRC_PORT', '6664 <or the port you set for the listener above>');

    define('SCRAPE_IRC_TLS', true);

    If you specified a different username and nick combo above, you’ll want to also change the following:

    define('SCRAPE_IRC_NICKNAME', "<the nick you specified above>");
    define('SCRAPE_IRC_REALNAME', "<the nick you specified above>");
    define('SCRAPE_IRC_USERNAME', "<the nick you specified above>");

    The remainder of the conf file is editable at your discretion. It is commented, so read it all before making changes.

  6. Verify everything is setup properly and works.

    cd /var/www/nZEDb/misc/IRCScraper/

    php scrape.php true false true

    You should get a bunch of text on your terminal, and eventually you should start seeing entries being added to the preDB. If you get any errors, feel free to ask for Help.

  7. Setup ZNC to start at boot.

    You have two options to do this. You can setup a cronjob or use a init script/systemd service/etc.

    For setting up the cron job use the following (via a non-root user preferably):

    Note: Crontab syntax may differ slightly between distrobutions, but should work

    @reboot znc

    For setting up the init script/etc you can visit the ZNC documentation.